

Study Club and Hands-on training programs in implantology

This curriculum focuses on four key practical areas in implantology: implant placement, impression-taking techniques, suture technology, and digital foundations. During the educational program, students not only master the techniques but also understand their underlying principles and interconnections.

The classroom curriculum provides comprehensive practical training, where students not only acquire fundamental skills but also comprehend their underlying logic and objectives. This equips them to safely and effectively apply these techniques in professional practice.

  1. Implant Placement: In addition to hands-on demonstrations of the specific steps involved in implantation, the program aims for a comprehensive understanding of the anatomical and biomechanical aspects of the procedure.

  2. Impression-Taking Techniques: Students are introduced to, and practice, essential techniques of impression-taking, while also grasping their importance in the context of implant planning and prosthodontic work.

  3. Suture Technology: Beyond showcasing post-surgical suturing techniques, the objective is to elucidate how these techniques influence the healing process and the potential risk of complications.

  4. Digital Foundations: By acquainting students with modern tools and software in implantology, the program emphasizes the role of digital technology in implant planning and treatment precision.

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